The TRUTH why British HATE Indians - Finally.

  • look at this message board?? look at all the indians abusing and pulling the race card against the british - yet all these indians want to live in the uk and reap off the benefits?? if you hate them so much then go f*** off back to india.. seriously. if you complain so much about not finding a job in the uk - cuz u are indians then go find a job in india - no one is stopping you?? if you moan so much about the benefits you get by living in uk - then go try getting any benefits in india from the indian govt. where you are all treated like dogs unless you are billionaires or powerful people with political connections.

    now here is the truth - i am an indian - british people have a horrible image of indians - because the majority of indians are horrible - indians are racist to everyone who is not white.. and yet complain about racism all over the world. but my appeal to british people - do not judge all indians as the same - there are 1.2 billion indians who are extremely diversified - very few indians are truly sophisticated and cultured - and most of those are upper class old money indians. the nouveau riche indians are to be avoided like the plague - and middle class indians sadly may be nice people deep down but lack sophistication to move around in british society. they also do not want to change or adapt to british culture but i guess the ones born in uk who integrate are not all that bad.

    i find british people to be extremely tolerant - and i agree india became a shithole after the british left. there was virtually no crime or corruption in india when the british governed india - and now crime & corruption in india are the highest in the world. indians living in the uk should stop accusing british people of being racist - and not take it personally - rather they should try to integrate into british society, learn their mannerisms and behave like them.. otherwise whats the point of living in uk?? only to make money?? sorry but that ain't a good reason either - even if the british made a lot of money in india - they gave it much more.. and when they left india they bought a lot of indian culture with them to britain.

    an advice for all indians who hate british people - please look at the mirror yourself before pointing fingers at others.

    UKindian 10 Dec 2008, 01:23 - Report
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What do brits think about Indians..esp those in IT

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