A load of shit

  • the one one thing that strikes me from reading these posts,is how you've all got such massive f*** off chips on your shoulders.weather your white,asian,black or f***ing indigo what difference does it make?we all have to live in the same country and if all we do is go about slagging each other off we're never going to get anywhere.i'm a white working class man but i think the bnp and the likes are absolute shit heads and are at total odds to the values in which this country and many others(including india)fought for 60 odd years ago.it just seems that you all view injustice from your own personal perspective and have no empathy for others.in short we should have more tolerence for others,whatever background we come from.in reply to aussie though.i think many of the black american decendents didn't actually get the chance to decide where they wanted to live as they were took there by slave traders and set to work by their so called "hosts"who lets face it,aren't the indigenous race of north america.

    Jamie 26 Sep 2008, 05:42 - Report
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