The Good News has finally arrived.

  • The European Union’s top court hs finally ruled that the likes of British based Linda and David Orams have been dealing in stolen property and must pay compensation to the rightful owner. This ruling will result in thousands of the Oram’s compatriots finding themselves in the same situation. They have been dealing in stolen property and should not only pay compensation but also they should also be gaoled for a period to give them time to reflect and to set an example to other foreigners who have stolen property in the illegally occupied part of Northern Cyprus. It is hoped that arrest warrants will also be issued to Interpol for their apprehension should they at any time leave their sanctuary in the in the Turkish occupied part of Northern Cyprus. Lili the EU will ultimately decide. I love the argument put forward by the Turkish sympathisers calling for the Northern part of Cyprus to be recognised and to be treated the same as the south because it supported the Annan Plan. Naturally they would support it as they had everything to gain at the expense of the people of Southern Cyprus. It is time that the Turks faced the facts and admitted that they slaughtered at leat 1.5 Christians in what is known as the Armenian genocide in 1915 and to recognise the 16 million Kurdish people living in Turkey and give them a homeland. History will show that both Britain and the USA are responsible for many of the problems experienced in the Middle East and the likes of Cyprus. It is time that the Cypriot government followed the lead of Malta’s Dom Mintoff who when in government took action to get rid of the British Military bases from Maltese soil. The British military bases on Cyprus must be handed over to the legitimate government of the island. It is time for the British and their USA friends to be ousted from the island.

    Mike 28 Apr 2009, 05:07 - Report
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