• This is an open message to all christians, english, germans etc. who "bought" their dream house in the northern occupied area of Cyprus.
    I assume you are content with your bargain deal and living in a beautiful home near the sea, enjoying fresh fish and consuming lots of alcohol. I am wondering though, how does it really feel living in the house or on the land that belongs to sombody else? How does it feel knowing that you knowingly conspired with common law thieves? Did you really think you would get away with it forever? Did you think that there would be no justice? Did you think that the rest of the world would close their eyes to this as you did?

    Time has come for you to face reality, truth and justice. A good idea would be to hire as many "lawyers"as you can and instruct them to represent you in front of the courts and Gods eyes. I wonder how well they will do! Will they do as well as they did the time they sold you stolen property?
    As a Christian i will pray for you.

    Greek Christian Orthodox 02 May 2009, 10:57 - Report
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