
  • Today was another cold, grey nightmare on the shores of Lake Geneva. I had a shitty, tedious day at my money obsessed workplace. Then I was reprimanded in the Migros for requesting a plastic bag to carry home my shopping (hypocritical, sanctimonious arseholes). Then as I was walking home I crossed at a zebra crossing and the car that was slowly approaching, accelerated really fast and screeched to a halt right in front of me. Scaring the shit out me as you can imagine.
    Don't come here. Don't even think about taking a holiday here. Don't even drive through in order to get to another country. Go the long way around.
    This is a vile place populated by vile people.

    London girl 31 oct 2008, 06:39 - Signaler un abus
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Switzerland is boring!!!!

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