switzerland or not? to be or not to be

  • Well ive been reading this thread with interest.
    We are living in Italy my husband is Italian and I'm a british citizen who has lived in Africa. We spent many happy weekends over the border in Ticino and decided we loved St Vitale near lake Lugano and started investigating buying a house. We met a Brit who was going back to Britain and she offered to rent her house to us for 6 months while we found out if we wanted to stay. We did.... and love the mountains, lake clean air and lack of traffic.
    So we investigated what we needed in the way of permits went to Mendrisio for what was supposed to be a 2 week wait with the efficient Swiss people.
    Well that was three months ago. they keep asking us for this piece of paper and then that and fobbing us off on the Bellenzona office were they sent the papers away to. We have taken so much leave to go there both of us in person, and they look at the computer and say no there's no problem ..just a backlog,
    We cant get a phone internet or anything else while this is going on and we are stuck in limbo with our house in Italy.
    We both wish to continue working in Italy so it's not as if we a re taking a Swiss job.
    My husband is an engineer and I have a training company. We have given bank statements etc etc. Then two weeks ago when we phoned they asked for my last year tax declaration, so I sent it and waited nothing. We phoned them today now they want something else. I'm stuck and would welcome any advise as we are between two homes at the moment. Anyone had a similar experience?. Ive heard it said that the Swiss are race aware. We are both caucasian so it cant be that? help??????

    weary 08 fév 2008, 02:43 - Signaler un abus
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Switzerland is boring!!!!

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