
  • As a Swiss, I'm quite shocked about what's going on on this forum. So many insulting stuff. Have you ever thought about that the swiss might like their boring live? They don't have to care about what you (tourists, foreigners) like... If you have a totally different culture, then it might be difficult for you. But the swiss have reached what they really want to have...We work much harder and longer than the french, brits or americans. That makes possible a better health system, better insurances and so on. It's clear that we have less time for parties, but that's not what we want all the time.
    By the way, the Swiss are neither corrupt nor mean. They give quite a lot money away for developping countries and charity, a lot more than people from other countries (you can look that up on internet). They are arrogant neither. As you can see on this forum, every swiss started with writing: you are right, it can be boring here instead of (as other people did): F*** you all, we are the best.
    One last thing: Why does everybody think that the Swiss are racists? Rasiscm is not the same like being reserved. I've recently been to a lot of other countries such as USA (california, Malaysia, Turkey and Israel.
    In California, gay people have far less rights than in Switzerland, and I don't want to mention the racism between hispanics, blacks and whites in LA. In Malaysia, the muslim mayority surpresses the minorities and people with other religions far more than here. In Turkey, the patriotism a way stronger than in Switerland, its actually quite scary. That racism is widely distributed in Israel among the israelis and the arabs is no secret. There's a racism that will never be reached here.
    Sorry, you might find Switzerland awfully boring, but that gives you not the right to insult every Swiss.

    Ca 08 mai 2009, 10:13 - Signaler un abus
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Switzerland is boring!!!!

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