clockwork people

  • i am on erasmus for about 4-5 months in suisse romande and, although the people are very polite, friendly, educated etc., it's been (after 2 months) impossible to get beyond the 'acquaintance' stage with them. par contre, i've become good friends with some Italians and Germans who live in the same building. the locals are indeed tedious however the thing that i find most depressing is the conservative ultra-organization of the society itself. there seems to be no room for human error or improvisation here. heck, i've never even seen a train/bus running late. having accostomized myself to south american standards after living there for a year, this came as a great shock. also, having travelled quite extensively i find that the less organized/developed countries are the ones in which human interaction is highly valued, although i did make many great friends and had an amazing time when i lived in the US (with the same standard of living as i "enjoy" in Switzerland). so i'm looking forward to finishing my studies here (to be fair the education system is world class and i have been learning in a very efficient manner) and getting back on the road, hopefully heading towards countries with more 'joie de vivre'.

    swiss miss 12 nov 2008, 01:28 - Signaler un abus
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Switzerland is boring!!!!

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