boooooaaaaaa crazy shit - might you're right

  • hi there everybody,

    I'am Swiss, just that i mentioned it in the first place blunk

    i'am kind a shocked, what all of you're saying, how bad it is here, the place i lived in now for 24years..
    - then i thougt about it and probably you're kinda right blunk to many people occupied by buying shit they don't need whit money they don't have and loosing every since of social relationship inbetween, while they trying to work 60h a week to pay all the bills, that they don't even remember whatfor they paying... lots of people loosing any belives, any imaginations of freedom... still it's everywehere around the globe, if luxury is to high...
    sad, still i won't count myself to this group of people..

    many people just livig for them living, try to see live.. try to feel live... so i'am gonna do now

    still following the dream of freedom..

    alex 16 jan 2009, 05:21 - Signaler un abus
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Switzerland is boring!!!!

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