Switzerland is NOTHING

  • My country gave me a full-scholarship to do a master's degree in Economics, and I had to choose among Switzerland, France and Canada, so because I was stupid dumb I chose Switzerland sad . I thought Swiss are the best in banking and finance fields and it is a rich country so it could be the best, so I studied during two years in Lausanne, I passed and earned a master, but to be honest: it was the worse experience in my life, switzerland is too boring, Switzerland sucks in arts in sports in sciences in fun, they are nothing, they are only good at cheese, chocolate and watchs manufacturing, they only think about how to work and earn money, salaries are very high, their main leisure activity is going to a bar to drink a beer and smoke cigarettes. Look at any Swiss University you will find that most teachers and researchers are French, German or American. Swiss private banks are the best but do you know why ?! simply because they accept the dirty money ( so-called the secret accounts), also attract the rich people around the world because Switzerland has low wealth tax rates !! Switzerland is very small, every city is considered as a State, it is a confederation, so as a foreigner you have to obtain a residence permit from every city (Canton) you want to live in! it is 4 regions with 4 different official languages, Swiss German, French, Italian, Romansh. Life is too expensive, don't believe that there are social aids, foreigners can't ask social aids because if they did they would be considered as '' costs and fees charged by the government '' so they would be ordered to leave the country. I agree with people who talked about racism in Switzerland, yes laws are racist, foreigners who are not white ( non european citizens ) are in shit situations, they are always considered unqualified when they apply for a job even if they are graduated from Swiss universities. It is a beautiful country but there are many more beautiful countries, for example France and England are more beautiful. Finally, all what I said is what I saw and knew during two years in Switzerland and thanks God I'm not there anymore, so personally I don't advise any foreigner to live in Switzerland ( only if you want to save money and if you are sure 100% that you will get a job).

    Djana 19 juin 2008, 09:23 - Signaler un abus
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Switzerland is boring!!!!

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