Re: Language Problems

  • No you are quite standardly right sir !,

    Theirs nothing worse than thick people with a opinion very well said how understandably dare they,

    But then even worse to find ineptness of real natural understanding something that Switzerland lacks against any other Culture around the world that actually participates and commits rather than having a Strong Neutral non committal empty substanceless time consuming backwards Opinion,

    The Swiss and Switzerland have their uses but its left at that, a funny little Country with funny little people that " think " they have a handle on wealth, the point is would they even have a grasp on what wealth is without the rest of the world?

    Take away their money and material what are you left with a bunch of watchmakers, chocolate makers etc.. that sell Services to the rest of the World, with a neutral unexperienced political take on the rest of the Globe, keep your strong opinion where it belongs Sir.

    Also " Worth " a mention the highest suicide rate in Europe ( Yes the Countries around Switzerland ),

    Now why would that be ?

    Shitzerland 30 nov 2008, 01:25 - Signaler un abus
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Switzerland is boring!!!!

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