Opinion from a Swiss

  • I kinda agree with many of you. I think Switzerland and Swiss people are boring in general. I've been abroad many times. Right now it's the 4th time that I am in the US for several months. There are exceptions though... you can find those open minded Swiss people if you look for it and don't just give up after a few weeks. Yes they might be uptight at first sight (I am a shy one too) but after an approach they often open up.

    Oh yeah, I had neighbors complaining about noise after 10pm, but the only time I had security at my door was here in California (believe me I didn't have a party going on and it was not even 10pm). In the bigger cities in Switzerland there are plenty of clubs of all kinds to go out, yeah you have to figure out where they are and yeah Swiss girls can be uptight... well glad I am gay, that scene is maybe not as open as here in CA, but still, it is all but boring in Switzerland... and btw, clubs don't close at 2pm like here in CA. Besides you can have your beer at a lake or in a park. There are countries with way more rules than Switzerland has.

    It's always a question of seing it from both sides. I know as soon as I'll be back in Switzerland I will miss California and it's open spirit, but I found a way to enjoy Switzerland as well... in the end it's up to you what you make out of your experience. Ex-pats don't have the reputation of being able to adapt well by the way (speaking general, i am not saying everybody is the same)

    Other personal experiences are that chances are bigger in Switzerland people speak english (at least some) than in Germany, France or Italy for example.

    Last thing. I totally agree with business hours (closed on sundays) being shitty, but if you are in the main cities go to the central train station and you will find grocery stores, pharmacies etc. open till 9pm (incl sundays)

    Rene 16 mars 2009, 05:12 - Signaler un abus
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Switzerland is boring!!!!

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