Nihil ex nihilo fit

  • People who constantly whine about being bored are themselves shallow, insecure, ignorant and incurious. In a word, they are themselves boring in extremis. Their brains are vacuous and their personalities dimensionless. They must fill themselves with external sources of noise and so-called entertainment because there lives are but undeveloped shells devoid of definition and meaning.

    The world, natural and manmade, offers infinite interest for those with native curiosity and more than a smidgen of intelligence. Look within or without; there are marvels everywhere. As Shakespeare (ever heard of him?) wrote, "I could be imprisoned in a walnut shell and count myself king of infinite space."

    Nothng comes from nothing. Whining about being bored is like blaming society because you wasted your life. In the end, YOUR life is what YOU, not others, make of it. If you're bored, it's because you were given the paints but never bothered to create anything on the canvas. It's your own damn lazy fault.

    Burgermeister 19 déc 2008, 10:33 - Signaler un abus
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Switzerland is boring!!!!

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