From Barcelona to Geneva

  • Hi,

    I currently live in Barcelona and I'm thinking of moving to Geneva, one would think that this is a big mistake, Barcelona being such a nice, bug, fun, exciting city, and welll, yes, in a way it is, but it isn't. The problem here in Barcelona is that, life is so expensive and salaries are so low that in the end, you haven't got any money to enjoy life in the city. For example, the average gross salary is between 12.000€-18.000€ per year, the average rent is 900€/month, so after paying you rent you have maybe 300-400€ left which is nothing, unless you share with 2 or 3 other people, and not all of us like to share with so many other people. I can understand that Geneva might not be the most exicting place in the world, but it's in a good location, you have Lyon in France which is a big city just about 115Km away, you have the trains to Paris that take 3 1/2 hours, I mean, you don't HAVE to stay in Geneva, there are other options. I'm going there next week for 4 days to check it out.

    Oliver 27 juin 2008, 02:51 - Signaler un abus
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Switzerland is boring!!!!

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