France on TV is not the real France !
ok, i'm french, i reacted !
- you can be stuck middle of a traffic ewerywhere
- all french dont live to paris
- i dont drink wine during lunch (i drink water) except for event
- "shit" and "f***" are fluent in many languages in the world (when you shoot the table with your foot for exemple)
but !!!
its true for the baker(lol)
so, if you want add stereotype, i can help you :
- when you see french with beret everywhere
- when you see frogs jump in the restaurant
- when you see ppl leave in the streets to complain
- ...
i wrote for saying : french are not very different than the other people in the world ... oh sure, we have a different culture, food, sports, and other, but we are not different in the life, we can be happy, merry, stressed, iritated, ...
that's allDamien 29 août 2007, 12:33 - Signaler un abus