UK Guide: Education
Find information about universities, admission processes, tuition fees and how the education system works. You will also find information about other learning opportunities in further education.
The UK’s education system
Preschool learning in the UK
It is estimated that there are around 23,600 early years childcare providers existing in the UK as of the year 2018. Similarly, 93% of 3 to 4 year old children living in the UK received funding for early education (statistics correct as of 2017).
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Primary education in the UK
Primary school learning
Pupils coming to the UK from ethnic minority origins is on the rise with 33,5% of primary school students belonging to these ethnicities. Only 4,5% of primary school pupils experience classes of over 30. Typically classes in state-funded schools range from 25-30 pupils.
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Secondary education in the United Kingdom
Secondary school and post-16 options
Secondary education in the UK caters for students between the ages of 11-18 though types of school, curriculum and qualifications can vary from place to place. The system found in Wales and Northern Ireland are very similar to that of England whereas education in Scotland follows a rather different system.
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UK private and international schools
Alternatives to state-funded education
Schools in the UK which are based on a fee-paying system are now often referred to as independent schools as historically, schools such as Eton College began as state-funded institutions but are now only accessible at a cost. In this way, they are sometimes categorised as ‘public’ though this is not the case.
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Higher education in the UK
Studying at university
Studying at higher education in the United Kingdom always leads to degree level education. The UK boasts institutes that are amongst some of the best with Oxford and Cambridge universities being the first to come to mind when considering studying there.