In order to turn your garden into a wonderful haven for all kinds of wildlife, follow these simple tips:
Don’t be too tidy
If you are always determined to clear away dead leaves and plant stems as soon as they appear in your garden, we urge you to change your ways.
While you may see no use in having these items lying around your home’s outdoor space, birds will love to use these materials to make their nests and hedgehogs will see them as a comfy place to hibernate under during the cold winter months.
Let some of your grass grow
This tip is not a call for you to totally neglect your garden. Instead, leave a corner of your lawn with blades of grass that are a little longer than the rest and prepare to be amazed when everything from voles and shrews begin to populate the space.
The benefits can also be realised in the long term, as caterpillars will also use the long grass as a form of food, with you potentially being rewarded when the wildlife use your garden to complete their transformation from small caterpillars to beautiful butterflies.
Construct a pond
If you have the space in your home’s outdoor space, we would strongly encourage you to install a water feature.
Not only will something like a pond or fountain enhance the aesthetic appeal of your garden substantially, but it will also be an invite for newts, frogs and so many other amphibians to pay your home a visit.
Of course, just make sure you keep your water feature in tip-top condition – you wouldn’t like to live in a dirty home, after all.
This article was submitted on behalf of GardenXL – The online garden furniture, wellies and barbecue shop (The Garden XL showroom is located just outside Reading, UK: Garden XL, Hare Hatch Sheeplands, London Road, Hare Hatch, Reading RG10 9HW)