How to make money with Paypal

  • Author: amber Robbins
    Date: 01/02/2006 20:13

    How to make honest money with Paypal

    There Is No Such Thing As A "Get Rich Quick System." There Is, However, This Tax Free Money And E-mail List Generating System.


    The Business Adventure that was started many years ago, and the one that is still making people money today, Is Now On The Internet, and is called: The Money Tree System. It is a network of like minded people, who are willing to help one another become wealthy, by their monetary giving to each other. For about the cost of a Big Meal at McDonald's you can make Your Financial Dreams Happen, and its 99.9% Tax Free! If you are tired of debt, living from paycheck to paycheck, and working a 9 to 5 job, but like the idea of "Investing In One Another To Become Wealthy," then you are invited to join the Money Tree Network and take your own Money Tree Adventure.

    The Money Tree System was designed for the purpose of accumulating Capital Fast and Honestly. And, by the way it is designed, it also creates for you a Supper Mailing List, which you can use over and over again. The creation of this mailing list is the HEART of this program, and is the change that was made, by the attorney's client, to make this system LEGAL. All of this will be explained in Part 2.

    If you are ready to take a step in the right direction, even though you may be skeptical, print out a copy of this e-mail. Then, save a copy of this e-mail on a diskette. You will need it later in Part 2.

    To work this Business System you will need a PayPal account. If you do not have one, please go to: and set one up, Now.

    Below you will find six names of people who have started their Money Tree Adventure. In order to keep everyone Honest, and to make sure that everyone gets Paid, you are asked to send each of the six people a $1.00 eCheck with your PayPal account. Here's How:

    1.- In your PayPal account click the SEND MONEY tab. 2.- Enter the Recipient's E-mail Address.
    3.- Enter $1.00 in the Amount Box.
    4.- Make sure the Currency is in U.S. Dollars.
    5.- Category of Purchase is: Service.
    6.- Your Email Subject is: The Money Tree System.
    7.- In the Note Box type these words: "Here is my penney. Please add me to your mailing list. The 99 cents is a gift from me to you."

    This NOTE is very important! It makes this Business System LEGAL, and 99.9% TAX FREE! - IT IS THE HEART OF THE MONEY TREE SYSTEM !

    8.- Click Continue and follow the instructions.

    PayPal will send you a Confirmation e-mail for each of the six people you have paid. Print out a copy of each e-mail for your records. At the top of each e-mail is an ID Number. Copy these six ID Numbers into an e-mail and send them to the First Person on your list, with these words in the Subject Box: "Send The Money Tree System Part 2." The First Person will check the ID Numbers, then E_Mail you Part 2 of The Money Tree System. When you receive Part 2, just follow the instructions. You will not be disappointed.

    1. Marian MacMurdo - [email removed]

    2. gary Foster _ [email removed]

    3. D. E. Gritzke - [email removed]

    4.. Martin Lobao _ [email removed]

    5.. Ana ferreira - [email removed]

    6. Amber robbins - [email removed]

    Anonymous 01 Feb 2006, 07:15 - Report
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