Luxury taxes

  • In conjunction with the above the Italian Government has proposed other rather high luxury taxes for boats, beaches and planes that impact Messieurs; Berlusconi, Briatore, British Royalty and other wealthy [perhaps not so wealthy ] folks who wish to utilize beaches and the like. This impacts the coastal areas all the way down to Sardinia.

    Mr. Briatore [ Mgr. of the Italian Formula One Racing Team ] recently hailed by Italy as its latest Champion per anno 2006. He managed " Schumi and Alonzo " the former and current World Champions to victory.

    Well, at least there are no discriminatory preferences; Italy after all is a democracy officially, that's of course the supposition; although there appears to be some taxation without representation, a somewhat silly notion we Americans abhor.

    When Prince Charles, William, Harry or Andrew come for dinner with Mr. Berlusconi, they may be a little surprised when the Royal Yacht is mightily taxed in the coastal waters of Sardinia.

    It's all in a days work, in any case.


    Anonymous 15 Nov 2006, 08:06 - Report
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Italy just got more expensive

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