Pro Sportler

  • I am Pro Handball Player end i am loking only serios people who have RELaY FIRMS(i need registred Work Schengen for Cyprus) und want to help Serbian Sportler (Sport kolegs now how ist hard every day in our job)i have many ofers i was in EU for couple weeks end my Team can not become Work Visa (The Club wrelay tray to make work permition-Germany-they lokin Diploms for Sport??/end afte 18weeks i become negativ.
    Wright now i am on problem ..season form going down.
    If gives REAL PEOPLE from Sports to help mee to become REGULAR ,REGISTRED,TELL CONTAKT IN Ambasy...i can also help for my seid ..Firms ..Sponsors..
    Bye form Serbian Friend

    Iwan 10 Nov 2008, 06:50 - Report
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