Articles: Money
Handling your finances Down Under
The different methods of investment
Expats often wonder whether they should send their savings home, or invest in their adopted country. There’s no reason why they can’t do both - and invest in other markets too. Find out some of the options available to invest not just in different countries, but in different asset classes too.
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What is forex trading?
What is forex?
With a daily turnover of $5.3 trillion, the foreign exchange (forex) is the world’s most liquid financial market. Each day, consumers, businesses, governments and traders exchange currencies on the open market in order to buy goods and services, facilitate trade and capitalize on price fluctuations.
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Currency and exchange risk
When buying property in Australia
Buying property is the biggest financial transaction that most of us will ever make. Due to the large amounts of money involved, small differences in the exchange rate, commissions or payment schedules can make a big difference to your pocket.
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Laws of Probate
Further information for new-comers
The idea of thinking about the laws of probate when arriving in a new country seems a little odd! The normal view at this time is to look ahead towards a new and exciting life. But this is the time when many things need to be thought of - new land, new languages, new food, new customs and new laws. Let's get everything in order while we are at it!
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Buying property in Australia
Australia is a popular choice for relocation
Many of us dream of throwing in the UK towel and heading south of the equator to some place where the sun shines, the wages are better and life just seems so much sweeter. For many people, this place is fondly referred to as Australia.
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Is your Will valid in Australia?
Important information for new arrivals
The movement of a person, or a whole family, to a new life in Australia raises many important and urgent concerns. Small wonder then, that the matter of whether they have a Will, and whether it is still valid, is usually overlooked.