Getting Back to The Question.....
Getting back to the original question with all rhetoric aside.... I lived in Argentina for a couple of years and plan to return permanently. To say that all Argentines are arrogant is a gross misjudgment. The same could be said about any countries inhabitants if one happened to only meet a couple of individuals and made the judgement based on said meeting.
I have met a few very arrogant Argentines but not many. Most are incredibly friendly, caring, and people with great senses of humor. Argentina is a great country regardless of anyone's opinion or political beliefs.
Getting off the subject, I am happy to say that not all Argentines spew hatred todwards North Americans. To the contrary, they are almost all very friendly about it. That isn't to say they will not tease you about being a gringo but it is typically in fun. The exceptions are the Chavistas and leftist leaning individuals that favor socialism or even communism. They seem to have a difficult time communicating with anyone with an opposing opinions. Case in point: Hugo Chavez who has a tendency to accuse anyone who opposing opinions to him of being ignorant or as an enemy. It should be remembered that Chavez was elected by the people of Venezuela. I say live and let live. If they want socialism or communism let them have it. It means nothig to me.Esteban de Gringolandia 26 Dec 2007, 01:06 - Report
Arrogant or racist Argentinians?
- In my opinion, yes
- many Argentine tourists
- never thought they were arrogant
- ethnocentric attitude in Buenos Aires
- Argentinians no longer exist
- All you say is a lie
- RACIST!!!!!!!
- Getting Back to The Question.....
- not all
- racisim
- to sam and javier
- arrogant or racist argentinians
- American Idiot
- Gross
- Racism is everywhere
- Argentinians
- MF
- All of us are racist, as Hernan says some hide it well.
- E.GO
- the arrogance is a cloak
- .............................
- for Adolf
- get serious
- Peoples of all kinds
- hahaha!
- why generalize???
- Why more tourists do not visit
- Argentina or Buenos Aires??
- some people are wrong
- Maria
- Hrllo
- Ignorant
- To topple the yankees
- lo lamento por los indios idiotas
- I'm married to an Argentinian
- ............SOY INGLÉS...............
- just some old people from Buenos Aires.
- yes
- answer to Javier about argentineans racism
- Webmaster
- True...kind of.
- Argentieans are very nice people
- argentina
- Good people and arrogant people are found everywhere
- Good people and arrogant people are found everywhere