Alex the censor
My posts show that if anything Germans are much more likely to have vocational training than the general tertiary education needed for "deep conversations". So it is German arrogance to imagine that they are an "deep" country compared with others. In fact, this ("Kultur"
is one of their great racist, historical claims to "superiority" over the "capitalist" West and (later the Slavs) the propaganda basis for World War One. There is at least one post-graduate course in the US devoted to this topic. It centres around a 1916 book by Thomas Mann "Reflections of an Unpolitical Man" (I think only available in German), which the author tried to prevent being republished in the 1920s, read it and you can see why). Perhaps like many Germans, you don't understand this aspect of the history of Germany and should read this book. Some things remain the same in Germany.
Ted 19 Mar 2009, 11:20 - Zgłoś nadużycie
germany sucks
- you are right
- Krautsalat
- ??
- new york sucks
- i hate germany
- ..
- Hey kids from clean, happy, save New York!!!
- you are right
- Germany SUCKS!
- Germany sucks??
- germany sucks ...
- It sucks PERIOD!
- America sucks
- Anonymous
- Germany is beautiful. Germans are horrible
- Germany, Germany everywhere!!!
- living in Germany
- bunch of c*nts
- Arrogant Germany
- germany
- Facts
- Germany
- it rocks
- Germany
- Seattle huh?
- Hell yea
- cutt-nutt
- Germans are nice
- German don't sucks
- Jew in Germany
- Amanda
- German answer
- Berliner sucks
- Anti-American
- germany does suck
- not everything is black and white
- a country of whistleblowers
- Where’s the laughter Germany?
- Idiot.
- viva Mexico + DN why don't u move away then ?
- new york man
- the wrold is a beautiful place
- Oh boy!
- ignorance is bliss
- blah
- people
- misunderstanding
- sorry *blush*
- Germany