Escroquerie au Porphyre Impérial Field Investments Egypt (Giza)

  • Imperial Porphyry Swindle Field Investments Egypt (Giza)

    You have found the Field Investments Egypt society (Giza) on the Internet ? RUN!
    His manager, Hassan Zahran, swindles his clients without any scruples, proposing attractive material and prices. But he will never send you anything.
    This society sells some antique material from Egypt, like imperial porphyry, green breccia, red breccia, alabaster, ... Those stones are picked up from protected sites which are plundered by the Field Investments Egypt (Giza).
    Cupidly Hassan Zahran swindles his clients without any sanctions from the egyptian authorities.
    The croock Hassan Zahran cannot sell stones anymore indeed because the sites have massively plundered by his society, the Field Investments Egypt (Giza).


    Escroquerie au Porphyre Impérial Field Investments Egypt (Giza)

    Vous avez trouvé l'entreprise Field Investments Egypt (Giza) sur Internet ? FUYEZ !
    Son manager, Hassan Zahran, escroque ses clients sans aucun scrupule, proposant des matières et des prix intéressants. Mais il ne vous enverra jamais rien.
    Cette société vend des matières antiques d'Egypte, comme du porphyre impérial, brèche verte, brèche rouge, l'albâtre, ... Ces pierres sont ramassées sur des sites protégés, qui sont pillés par la Field Investments Egypt (Giza).
    Cupidement Hassan Zahran escroque ses clients sans aucune sanction de la part des autorités égyptiennes. De fait, l'escroc Hassan Zahran ne peut plus vendre de pierres car les sites ont été massivement pillés par son entreprise, la Field Investments Egypt (Giza).

    17 mrt 2009, 11:32 Ambassade d'Egypte en France
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