Arabs Company Group Egypt - Employment
We Arabs Company Group Egypt - Employment - authorization of the Ministry of Manpower and Immigration No. 503
Looking for agents and brokers in our region of Europe and EU countries - to help provide employment contracts for Egyptians - and tourism visas - we have a large database of all professions and disciplines - and we understand the labour market in European countries - and are ready to negotiate with you about your requests - Please rapid reaction
General Manager - Engineer / ran on
group.egypt @
tel: 02010290075015 aug 2008, 05:00 Mr.ali
im mehdi from tunisia and im 22 years old i want to work in egypt with your team
and im so proud for that if i have the chonce to work there
please this is my email : [email removed]
phone number: +216 20656515
adress: rue hsin jenouir whed ghnim no 21 sousse tunisia
AND THANKSmehdi khlifi 27 aug 2008, 01:26 - Rapporteer misbruik