Moving to Dubai August 2008 HELP!

  • Woo Hoo - Dubai here I come! Actually - getting a wee bit nervous.....

    I need advice!!

    Ok - Firstly, I am looking to secure long-term rental on accomadation. I am looking to organise this remotely (from the UK).

    I am looking for a 1/2 bedroom apartment or villa. My budget is 130 000 AED p/a and I would like somewhere that can accomadate me and my two cats.

    Does anybody have any finance advice ? Basically, although I have secured a fantastic job - my employer will not be covering accomadation - it is up to me therefore to arrange the fianance for the rental cheques - Are the loan facillities in Dubai that can help with this? I do not wish to buy at the moment, purely rent.

    Also, I wondered whether anybody could give me vague ideas on costs re shipping furniture from the UK to Dubai - is it worth it ?

    Anyway - any help, comments, advice would be MASSIVELY appreciated - feel free to post to my email add: [email removed]

    22 Feb 2008, 09:42 Liv
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