Differences between Canadian English and "American" English?

  • I am considering studying English (ESL) in Canada. What are the differences between Canadian English and American English? Are Canadians like the British?


    13 Nov 2005, 12:01 Anonymous
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  • simple americans are RUDE!

    and Canadians are polite

    Anonymous 14 Nov 2005, 04:12 - Denuncia
  • seriously - Speaking Canadian English

    Canadian English is closer to the British English, however pronnouciation wise it is almost the same as "american" english. Obviously, there is no such thing as american english either. People from Alabama speak VERY different from those in New York, Los Angeles or Boston. They all have deep differences in cadence and modisms.

    Back to Canada. In Canada you would say "colour" and "centre" while in the USA you would say "color" and "center"

    Anonymous 16 Nov 2005, 04:03 - Denuncia
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