what is the solution?

  • I was reading some of comments about Swiss people and culture and I thought, "is there any truth to what I am hearing?????" I was immigrated to US from Middle East (Iran) over 20 years ago (when I was only 18 years old) and just recently came to Switzerland to finish my graduate study. I have gone through many problems and issues that many immigrants faces everyday in a foreign land. However, I always appreciated the opportunities to build a better life for myself (as a woman) and a second chance for a better life in US. I relied on my abilities and worked very hard to finish my school and started my profesional life. The racial issues exist in every country from Middle East to West. After all, we are all human and responsible for our life and future. Please know that I do understand that you are frustrated by some events that you have experienced in Switzerland or in broad, but the solution to your problem and to reach the best you can be in your life is in your hand. All of us have the power and the smart to make a change in our life for better. How can you think about bringing a child to this world to get a permit to work. You may be able to find organizations or charity qroup who help you to find a job. I have traveled to many part of the world and have seen rich and poor and black and white and the one thing we all have in common is the ability to build our life and play our cards the best way possible.

    Best wishes and happy new year.

    25 déc 2008, 07:58 MH
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