Brazilian woman raped by swiss racists!!!

  • Check the shocking news here:

    Switzerland has now really NO EXCUSE! Swiss NAZIS seriously hurt and raped Brazilian woman!

    Apologize, Switzerland!!

    14 fév 2009, 12:07 Amel
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  • hi

    why should the swiss apologize? i mean we are in switzerland

    THEswiss 14 fév 2009, 02:51 - Signaler un abus
  • heinous

    this event clearly shows the current trend towards racism in switzerland. now police and news try to manipulate the facts and distort reality. I am sure this really happened and switzerland tries to hide it and accuses now the woman of faking it. How vile! But nothing surprises me any more in this atrocious racist little country....

    Igor 14 fév 2009, 12:09 - Signaler un abus
  • dubai

    This news appearred to be made up by the Brazillian woman. Now you have to apologize for being so dumb.,2933,492344,00.html

    d 14 fév 2009, 02:13 - Signaler un abus

    Come on?!? Look at the scarring! It doesn't seem to be cut durring a fight. Otherwise it would have been much less straight.

    d 14 fév 2009, 02:16 - Signaler un abus
  • horrible

    que ataque mas horrible y cobarde. tipico de suiza y sus habitantes...

    Sonia 14 fév 2009, 05:11 - Signaler un abus
  • to the swiss

    Listen little white swiss bootlickers: There are many more cases like that! But they are never mentioned in the news due to censorship! How can you not feel deeply ashamed and horrified by such a horrible crime? How can you be so stupid and believe the woman made it up? Are you NUTS? What kind of food did your mama give to you?

    Time that your corrupt & racist little country starts fading away!

    Amel 14 fév 2009, 05:19 - Signaler un abus
  • stop the whining

    if the swiss are so bad then why are you still in our country? not all the foreign people are bad, but most of them are violent and racist

    THEswiss 14 fév 2009, 10:22 - Signaler un abus
  • reaction

    I'm not even Swiss, and I'm even non-white, so what's your excuse now? If you 'think' there's censorship hiding all incidents, prove it. If this story, besides all odds, IS indeed true, it would be a horrible crime deserving hard punishment. This WAS made up, not only according by the Swiss police, but also according to forensic scientists. If you would try to use your mind you would see that the scarring is to precise to be done during a fight and it only covers areas reachable by hand.


    WATCH PICTURE HERE:,2933,492344,00.html

    I know it's hard listening to facts instead of emotions, and it's nice to think those Swiss are evil racist pigs, but c'mon...

    d 15 fév 2009, 09:12 - Signaler un abus
  • mhm

    yessss,all of you have soooo right...look in your own country and think 5 minutes more bevore you write some shit...

    blabla 22 fév 2009, 05:08 - Signaler un abus
  • Paula O

    A coin have 2 sides. Head or tails. In this case - it was a tale.
    Amazing how some people always stir the pot ...

    Sam 27 fév 2009, 03:26 - Signaler un abus
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