Car insurance in Hong Kong

Getting the right cover

Having, at least, basic motor insurance is a legal requirement for anyone wanting to use Hong Kong’s roads. It is necessary to have third party risk insurance in place before it’s possible to obtain a licence for a vehicle.

Not being covered by third party insurance whilst continuing to use a vehicle may lead to a fine, temporary withdrawal of your licence, and potentially even imprisonment for up to 3 years.

As a car must be covered by the minimum required insurance before it can be registered. If importing a vehicle to Hong Kong it is necessary to have insurance in place before you will be able to gain a vehicle licence. For further information see the article on Importing a car to Hong Kong.

The other main type of insurance in Hong Kong is comprehensive cover. Third party, fire and theft insurance is available but is much less common. There is a no-claims discount system in place in Hong Kong; starting at 20% after one year and increasing by 10% for any subsequent years, up to a maximum of 60%.

Insurance policy documents must be stored in the vehicle and be able to be produced upon request from a police officer.

Car insurance providers

A comprehensive list of insurers recognised by the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers can be found on their website .


In the event of an accident on the road, you must complete an Accident Report form including details of the incident, any damage or injuries, names of witnesses and photographs.

When taking out an insurance policy, your provider should issue you with an Accident Report form. If you go on to make a claim, the completed form must be submitted to your insurer within one week of the incident.

If you are only covered by third party insurance it is your responsibility to deal directly with the other insurer. If cover is comprehensive your insurance provider will deal with it for you. © 2003-2025 Just Landed