Temporary & permanent residency permits

ARCs and APRCs what you need to know

If you plan on staying in Taiwan for an extended period you will need to apply for either an ARC or an APRC, depending on how long you have been in Taiwan already.

Alien Resident Certificate (ARC)

An ARC allows foreign nationals working and studying in Taiwan to stay for up to three years without re-application. Multiple entry/re-entry is permitted, but it does not confer working rights and other benefits that permanent residency does.

Applications should be made no later than 15 days after your arrival in Taiwan, and extensions should be applied for 30 days before the card’s expiration. Changes of residence and employment should be registered with the authorities within 15 days.

Foreigners entering Taiwan on a visitor’s visa or with visa exemption should apply for resident visa status before ARC application.

Spouses and dependents of foreign nationals are permitted to apply for an accompanying ARC with appropriate proof of their relationship to the main applicant.

Documents required for ARC issued to foreign workers and students:

The application process takes two weeks

Alien Permanent Resident Certificate (APRC)

Expats who have spent a considerable time in Taiwan and wish to remain truly indefinitely should consider applying for an APRC which confers several benefits on foreign nationals. These include, the right to freely seek employment in Taiwan, and the right to reside overseas for up to half a year without the permit becoming invalid.

Holders of an APRC are not limited to work permit stipulations; they can seek employment in other professions without the two years experience required for a working visa, and they can legally hold more than one registered job. 

Applications are made through the local National Immigration Agency  office, who can inform you whether you qualify.

Some important requirements for an APRC are as follows:

Documents required for an APRC

Applications are processed in 14 days, excluding time needed for interviews, and the submission of supporting documentation if required.

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