International Pet Transport

When pets relocate with you

“When It is Time to Go, What Must I Know?”

Questions which dominate every pet owner’s thoughts when it is time to relocate on professional re-assignment or even just going on a vacation or holidays with one’s beloved pet or pets, is – “How do I ship my dog?” (or cat, or other cherished pet (s.) “What must I know and do if my pet is traveling by air?”

These and many other questions posed by concerned pet owners facing short- and long-term relocation to other countries are daily fare for the our highly-experienced veteran team of pet transport specialists. They know: they have been doing it successfully for more than 40 years!

Major items such as, “Which documents are needed? What health considerations are to be encountered?” “Where does one obtain the official seals for required documents so that the journey can get under way?” are all important, vital issues. Obviously, experience and well-trained personnel are essential for safe and secure animal shipment.

 All the requirements which vary from country to country must be taken into account before the trip begins, as well as obtaining the proper, suitable transport cage which also should take the species, size and weight into account. There is really nothing worse for an animal than traveling in a cage which is too small and cramped, and does permit it to stand up and stretch.

This is where the highly-experienced animal shipping firm’s expertise comes into play, constructing cages that are made to measure. After all, the various different canine (and any other) species are not “standardized” which is why specialized firms design customized cages which are immediately available at Frankfurt Airport. Having these cages at hand permits pet owners to make the correct choice for their animal right then and there.

In addition to all other regulations, many air carriers have their own additional requirements for transporting dogs. This extends to so-call “fighting” dogs which require very special cages because of their aggressive nature. These cages are made from specially-treated wood and are constructed with extra re-enforced metal screening to prevent the animal from escaping its cage as a result of sheer boredom or anxiety.

“This is where expert opinion is of significant value to the pet owner as cage requirements are discussed in detail when the animal is assigned a transport,” states Kay Wissenbach, managing director of G.K Airfreight Services, GmbH. “Only when the cage is also in compliance with the air carrier has an important hurdle been overcome allowing for the secure and stress-free shipment of an animal,” Wissenbach continues. An animal’s journey must be well-prepared according to Wissenbach. Thirty days before the anticipated movement all the details of the trip should be discussed with the experts.

At that time pet owners learn a lot about the well-being of their animal and that, for instance, sedatives are taboo and should not be given their pet prior to or during shipment.

Owners are also informed that on travel day the animal is not to be fed as that well-meant meal, or that the wish to provide even a small extra treat can often result in the animal passenger’s suffering distress. Once the trip is finally over, however, nothing stands in the way of giving the pet a delicious meal.

There are dozens of other points on which G.K Air  advises its customers, important facts gathered in the course of 40 years’ experience, making Gradlyn Kennels a reliable trusted partner for pet lovers relocating virtually anywhere in the world. © 2003-2025 Just Landed