Health Insurance in India

Getting private insurance

More than 75% of all payments on medical treatment in India are made by patients themselves. The idea of health insurances is relatively new to India and only 10% of Indians are covered. Insurance policies can be very confusing, leaving much of their coverage unclear.

Medical treatment in India is cheap compared to western countries. However, you should take out health insurance as cost for treatment for serious injuries can add up to several thousands of dollars.

If you visit India for a short period of time you should purchase a travel health insurance policy. Make the necessary arrangements before you leave for India. Travel health insurance policies are usually valid for up to one month and cover emergency treatments and cost of emergency return transportation.

As an expatriate in India your employer will usually provide an insurance plan for you. This will be offered in addition to your salary. The amount increases for each family member you bring to India.

If your company does not provide an insurance plan you should take out private health insurance with an Indian company. The number of insurance companies has risen greatly in the past years and many new companies are simply branches of international insurers.

Offers vary greatly and you should take some time before deciding for a policy. Most packages cover your entire family and prices are adjusted according to the number of people insured. Contributions typically start at around Rs10,000 per year and can be deducted from your income tax. To make the search easier, Expat Offers  provides a free subscription service which will find and send you the latest deals and offers on health Insurance in India. 

When you purchase health insurance you will receive an insurance card. Unlike many western countries you will still have to pay for most treatments in cash. Payment through your health insurance card is only possible in very few hospitals.

Insurance companies operating in India include:

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