Moving to Switzerland

  • I've been teaching in the UK for six years, and before that was involved in the ski industry. I've been a soldier in New Zealand, and am currently in the Royal Navy (Reserve). I've been all over Europe, and have fallen in love with Switzerland. I'd love to move there with a view to learning French, German, and that rather quaint Swiss/Bernaise German that few foreigners seem to be able to understand! I can turn my hand to anything, have driven all over Europe, and am used to delivering high quality customer service. Can anyone out there give me a job, or suggest where I can really look? I know it's difficult to get a permit - especially as I'm not an EU national, but I'm not easily put off. I'll work 80 hours a week if I have to, and want to start language classes immediately in my spare time once settled, but i just need a break to get there. Can anyone help?

    Cheers in advance...

    Guy Townsley

    Email: [email removed]
    Tel: +44 (0) 7786 514 277

    24 Oct 2006, 04:28 Anonymous
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