A country of villages

  • It makes a big difference if you are a white male western European moving to Zürich, earning a good salary. It will be easier for someone like that and even then, it may not be so easy!

    Imagine the daily experiences for a non-white African woman moving to a small town in Switzerland. The country is known for conservative narrow views and xenophobia! The experience depends a lot on how well you can blend in just on your appearance and your wealth, not only how much you can adapt to a culture. Of course speaking one of the national languages will help a lot.

    It is important to remember this is a country of villages and that means there are many with narrow small-town attitudes. You will always be a foreigner to the locals even if you stay for years.

    Someone has said before - you pay a high price for security and stability in Switzerland.

    city girl 28 May 2009, 11:28 - Report
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Switzerland is boring!!!!

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