
  • Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I am a German student and I have the task to write a report about nurses in Spain. I already tried to find information in many German libraries without any positiv result. I also asked for those information in the Spain embassy but they also couldnŽt answer my questions. So I write to you and hope that you can help me with my request: As I said, I have to write a report about nurses in Spain. So I need to know as much as possible about the Spain education at all and the special education of Spain nurses, about their courses, the duration, the tests. I also have to know which foreign nurses have when they immigrate to Spain. Furthermore I want to ask you, if it is possible that you can give me some information about the possibilities of the duty of nurses, their loan, and their position in the Spain civilisation. Maybe you are able to tell me about the risks and chances of nurses.

    I really hope that you can help me because you are my last chance. And I know that I have a lot of questions but maybe you are able at least some of them.

    So I regard to your answer and I really thank you for helping me.

    Have a nice day.

    Yours sincerelly
    Christine Lehmann

    27 Mar 2009, 10:04 nurse
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  • Primer Curso Internacional sobre Dolor Medicina en Granada, España

    El 1 º Curso Internacional de Medicina del Dolor (CIMF), que tendrá lugar el 28va-31ro mayo de 2009 en Granada Centro de Congreso y Exposiciones, Granada, España. El Curso, el primero de su tipo, tiene por objeto proporcionar una visión general de las principales entidades de dolor crónico, de sus mecanismos fisiopatológicos para el diagnóstico y las opciones de tratamiento más avanzado disponible. Por lo tanto, es especialmente dedicada a los médicos dispuestos a aumentar o actualizar sus conocimientos clínicos sobre el manejo del dolor.

    Por favor, visite para más información. O envíenos un correo electrónico a [email removed]

    Shlomit Benartzy 23 Apr 2009, 12:29 - Report
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