Sanitas refusal to cover.

  • I have had a very bad experience with Sanitas who are refusing to cover my illness. I would advise anyone thinking of joining Sanitas or their sister company BUPA, to check up on a few facts prior to joining one of their health plans. If you are already a member of one of the health plans, it could well be worthwhile checking up on a few facts. The details of my experience with Sanitas can be viewed on Here the facts are recorded and are overviewed by my solicitor who would not let me state anything untrue. I would also like to hear from anyone else who has suffered similar treatment from either SANITAS OR BUPA.

    13 Jan 2008, 01:04 Ceri Davies.
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    My name is Domininc Scott (UK) and I am employed within Sanitas to manage X-pats and their policies.

    I try as best as I can to meet the expectations of Xpats with regards to the level of service you receive. I would be happy to hear from those with any concerns, issues or require information regarding a policy and the levels of cover you are entitled to.


    Dominic scott
    [email removed]

    Dominic Scott 23 Jan 2008, 04:58 - Report
  • Sanitas

    My name is Susan Warner and I have been an Agent for Sanitas for over 3 years. In all of that time only one of my 800+ clients has had a claim turned down, one day into having the cover.
    I am very sorry to here of your problems at such a stressful time of your life.
    It maybe that you were not explained the cover you were buying properly, although the terms and conditions are quite clear.
    Although there is no waiting period on the policy any claims are looked at very closely in the first year of Insurance. Any illness that could be proved to have been pre-existing would be excluded. Unfortunately to find a problem such as yours one month into the policy, would of course raise concern.
    Most Health Insurance policies have a waiting period of at least 3 months before you can use them, so you would have found yourself in this situation with whichever company you had chosen.
    I hope you recover soon.
    [email removed]

    Susan Warner 16 Feb 2008, 11:42 - Report
  • Sanitas/Bupa

    I realise your loyalty to the company that employs you and would say that if you have only had 1 client in 800 turned down then you are extremely lucky. I understood the terms and conditions of the policy and it is Sanitas who has violated these - not me! The reasons given for refusing treatment are fully explained on and when these are read anyone can see that the reason for refusing to cover costs is absolutely unbelievable. As also previously stated all original paperwork is freely available for those who want to view it. My opinion of Sanitas is rock bottom and I plead with anyone thinking of taking out a Health Plan with either Bupa or Sanitas, to reconsider unless of course they like to gamble with their lives!

    Ceri Davies. 13 Jul 2008, 08:58 - Report
  • Bupa/Sanitas and their refusal to honour policy.

    The Michael Moore documentary "Sicko" which has recently been shown on UK TV, uncovers the methods used by US Health insurance companies for avoiding payment on policies. Very interesting and very similar to my experience in many of the cases. I still await legal action to be taken against Sanitas and it will eventually get to Court, I'm sure of that. I can prove everything that I have said against Sanitas and advise everyone to take a look at my experience prior to taking out a Health Insurance Policy. Most of the information regarding my case can be found on or I can be contacted directly. BE CAREFUL WHO YOU TRUST - YOUR LIFE COULD BE AT STAKE!

    Ceri Davies. 25 Jan 2009, 02:40 - Report
  • Sanitas

    Hello, I was thinking of joining Sanitas until I read about you experience. Are you with another company now and do you mind me asking who so I look into the company. I need health cover but not sure who to join.

    Jean Taylor 15 Mar 2009, 06:43 - Report
  • Sanitas.

    Hello Jean, no I am not with another company, with my personal experiences with Sanitas, other peoples experiences with not only Sanitas/Bupa but various Insurance Companies which they have sent to me plus the Michael Moore documentary "Sicko", I don't think I would ever join another Health Plan, you don't find out how genuine they are until you really need them but unfortunately by then, it could be too late. In my case, I was lucky enough to be able to use my life savings to pay myself. If I had not had these savings and done this, I may not be alive today - I was told that if I waited for treatment on the health system, it could possibly, with the waiting lists, be too late. I'm sorry that I am unable to advise you on a company but your health is so very important and you need to join a company that will not let you down when you need them most of all. I could not take on the responsibility of giving advise on any choice of company and I just hope you are able to make a better choice than my choice of Sanitas. Another issue to consider unfortunately is the Recession, with many companies failing financially, what measures will they employ to preserve/increase their financial status? It makes you wonder doesn't far will they go to preserve themselves? I hope that you make a good choice and if there is anything that I can do for you, please get in touch.
    My email: [email removed]

    Ceri Davies. 21 Mar 2009, 11:50 - Report
  • Primer Curso Internacional sobre Dolor Medicina en Granada, España

    El 1 º Curso Internacional de Medicina del Dolor (CIMF), que tendrá lugar el 28va-31ro mayo de 2009 en Granada Centro de Congreso y Exposiciones, Granada, España. El Curso, el primero de su tipo, tiene por objeto proporcionar una visión general de las principales entidades de dolor crónico, de sus mecanismos fisiopatológicos para el diagnóstico y las opciones de tratamiento más avanzado disponible. Por lo tanto, es especialmente dedicada a los médicos dispuestos a aumentar o actualizar sus conocimientos clínicos sobre el manejo del dolor.

    Por favor, visite para más información. O envíenos un correo electrónico a [email removed]

    Shlomit Benartzy 23 Apr 2009, 12:30 - Report
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