• My name is Domininc Scott (UK) and I am employed within Sanitas to manage X-pats and their policies.

    I try as best as I can to meet the expectations of Xpats with regards to the level of service you receive. I would be happy to hear from those with any concerns, issues or require information regarding a policy and the levels of cover you are entitled to.


    Dominic scott
    [email removed]

    23 Jan 2008, 05:01 Dominic Scott
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  • sanitas

    why do I feel that I am getting bad treatment , waiting one and a half hours to see a doctor who then dosent have my records and dosent know why Im there, even though I saw him a week ago.
    ignores what I say,I come out of the clinic confused, frightened and demoralised. I am now making an appointment to pay to see a private doctor, god help sanitas If I have not had the right treatment.

    Jan 22 Sep 2008, 12:02 - Report
  • romania sanitas

    I have a spanish sanitas card with extra country romania. i am having problems getting treatment using the card in Romania. please advise what i am entitled to.. I need some blood analysis and an echo picture of my stomach, liver and spleen at the main hospital in Iasi, according to my local doctor.

    zinica panainte 25 Nov 2008, 02:21 - Report
  • Sanitas.

    It seems that a Spanish Sanitas card could very well turn out to be completely worthless...mine was, in fact I have been lucky to survive. I had to pay nearly 20,000 euros to obtain the treatment that I needed to live.

    Ceri Davies. 25 Jan 2009, 02:50 - Report
  • Primer Curso Internacional sobre Dolor Medicina en Granada, España

    El 1 º Curso Internacional de Medicina del Dolor (CIMF), que tendrá lugar el 28va-31ro mayo de 2009 en Granada Centro de Congreso y Exposiciones, Granada, España. El Curso, el primero de su tipo, tiene por objeto proporcionar una visión general de las principales entidades de dolor crónico, de sus mecanismos fisiopatológicos para el diagnóstico y las opciones de tratamiento más avanzado disponible. Por lo tanto, es especialmente dedicada a los médicos dispuestos a aumentar o actualizar sus conocimientos clínicos sobre el manejo del dolor.

    Por favor, visite para más información. O envíenos un correo electrónico a [email removed]

    Shlomit Benartzy 23 Apr 2009, 12:41 - Report
These Forums are no longer active. To post a new discussion, please visit our new Spain Forums.