Russian houses
What do the typical Russian houses look like? Im working on a project about architecture around the world. Any information would be usefull
11 Apr 2008, 11:14 Richard
I found
I already found something:
More is always welcome, thanks!Richard 11 Apr 2008, 11:14 - Report -
Stretching between Europe and China, Russia is neither East nor West. The vast expanse of field, forest, desert and tundra has seen Mongol rule, czarist reigns of terror, European invasions, and Communist rule. The architecture that evolved reflects the ideas of many cultures. Yet, from onion domes to neo-gothic skyscrapers, a distinctively Russian style emerged.
Lucia 11 Apr 2008, 11:15 - Report -
Thanks Lucia!
Where did you find this information?
Richard 11 Apr 2008, 11:16 - Report -
I found this information here:
Lucia 11 Apr 2008, 11:16 - Report -
Russian Houses
Sure Richard is long since done with his project, but when we were in Russia in 2004, adopting our daughter, we drove from St. Petersburg to Moscow. I was amazed that the drive was almost entirely through rural areas and that many of the houses were log houses. Other houses were board houses, but they were almost all older and looked European many with carving around the windows. Every little town we passed through looked very impoverished. Nothing like St. Petersburg with its palaces on every corner or Moscow with its huge, fancy onion dome and other brick buildings.
Vicki Davis 15 Feb 2009, 10:26 - Report