Working legally in Peru

Work & business visas

Working legally in Peru

There are two types of visas that allow expats to work in Peru. The requirements for obtaining a work or business visa depend on the country you are travelling from and your nationality.

Expats should not confuse a resident work visa with a business visa. Business visas are valid for only 90 days while work visas tend to be valid for the duration of your contract.

If you are keen to work in Peru there are two ways to get a work visa:

  1. You can enter the country on a tourist visa and start looking for a job. Once you have found one you apply for a work visa at the Dirección General de Migraciones y Naturalización del Perú (DIGEMIN ) in Lima.
  2. Arrive in Peru with a business visa (valid for 90 days) and once you have found a job you can apply for your work visa at DIGEMIN in Lima.

Requirements for a work visa (applied for in Peru):

  • Filled out Form F-007 
  • Receipt of payment (Banco de la Nación) of the processing fee S/.107.50
  • Copy of your passport or travel document
  • A contract signed and approved by the company administrative authority, and legalized by a notary or authenticated by the Peruvian General Directorate of Immigration and Naturalization (DIGEMIN).

Any documents in a language other than Spanish will need to be translated by a certified translator.

Requirements for obtaining a business visa

You apply for a business visa before you go to Peru.You will need to take the following documentation to your nearest Peruvian embassy:

  • Filled out Form F-007 
  • Two passport-sized photographs.
  • Photocopy of the work contract between the foreigner and the Peruvian manager or firm and a document specifying the time period of work required. These will have to be authenticated by the DIGEMIN  (Dirección General de Migraciones y Naturalización)
  • Valid passport and boarding card or valid foreign resident card
  • Current bank statement along with a photocopy
  • Business references such as a letter from your employer.
  • Proof of airline reservation to Peru and travel insurance cover.

One thing to note is that it may be easier to find work on a business visa than a tourist visa as it’s easier to network. In addition, you can only sign a contract as a business visa holder, not if you are in Peru on a tourist visa.

Business visa holders need to register with the Dirección General de Contribuciones when they arrive in Peru for taxation purposes.

Fees and processing times for business visas

The business visa is mainly issued as a single entry visa and is valid for 90 days after the issued date. The processing fee is 39 USD and the visa can take up to 4 days. For same day visa processing the fee is 100 USD. If documents provided are not in Spanish they will need to be translated by a qualified translator. The visa can be renewed every three months at the Oficina de Migraciones. 

Further reading

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