Self employed income tax - anyone else in this situation?!
I am a self employed British journalist but I live and work here in Italy. My local ministero di finanzia told me i should be paying tax in the UK but the Uk have told me I should pay tax where I live - Italy.
Are there any other Brit ex pats in this forum that are in a similar situation? And how did you do it?! Also, partita IVA.. apparently everyone has to register for it if you are self employed, despite what you are earning. What if the UK clients aren't willing to pay IVA which is bigger than VAT (IVA- 20 PERCENT, VAT ONLY 17.5)
Any advice on all this would be marvellous!
Julie24 Sep 2007, 06:16 Julie
Self Employed Tax
Hi, I don't have any answers for you as I am just about to work as a consultant shortly in Italy but wondered if you had any information for income tax reduction?
SteveSteve 01 Mar 2008, 11:12 - Report -
Self Employed tax
Dear Julie and Steve,
I am homebased (Italy) and work for an English Pharmaceutical company for two years now.
The Italian tax system is completely unfair. This year I paid 65% Tax!!!
Some advice, do not pay tax in Italy and do it in the UK.
LucaLuca Landucci 17 Jul 2008, 10:05 - Report