As a general rule, you will have to take the German language proficiency test - DSH ( Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber) or the TestDaF ( Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache für ausländische Studienbewerber).
In some cases, you might be exempted from the DSH or TestDaF, for example:
- for a single semester periods of study in Germany (some institutions allow 2 semesters)
- if you hold a higher education entrance qualification ( Abitur) from a recognised school (in Germany or abroad) at which German was the language of instruction
- hold the Goethe-Institute's minor or major German Language Certificate ( Kleines/Großes Sprachdiplom) or advanced level 'Central Advanced Language Test' ( Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung)
- if you hold the 'German Language Certificate, Level II', of the 'German Standing Conference of Ministers of Education and Culture' ( Deutsches Sprachdiplom - Stufe II - der Kultusministerkonferenz).
If you are required to take the DSH you will probably have to take the exam at the institution you're planning to study at in Germany.