@ ronniesneffe

  • Hi ronniesneffe,

    interesting text and by far the most porfound. Some descriptions r applicable but often u jump to a conclusion. Often u argue black and white. U enumerated chinks and problems of the german society (following ya opinion) but don´t refelect the causations. U listed the negative things but ignored the positve aspects. and there r many postive things.

    i respect your opinion but definitily do not agree and definitely with your attitude. And iam also a foreigner.


    p.s."The USA is seen as the capitalistic monster, but it's Germany with 1/4 of the residents who sells more things to the world than any other country...$1,530,000,000,000 in 2008...where is all that money?" - What do u mean wiv that question? U know what the export includes? It doesn´t deals exclusive with in Germany produced products which r sold in the whole world. Ohh no! Germany works also like a cross-docking centre. Especially the Netherlands. They transport and they deal. They r service providers but do not produce. So the whole world keep alive by the german and dutch export work.

    flyindutch 16 Jun 2009, 11:15 - Report
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germany sucks

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