
  • Name: Saher Ibrahim Odeh
    Date of breath: 16-8-1987
    Nationality: Jordanian
    Marital status: Single
    Gender: Male
    Address: Amman (Jordan) Um al smmaq
    Tel: 079/9778919 _ 06/5529612
    Email: [email removed]
    Finished tawjihe successfully at 2007\2008
    From Oxford school
    -Sales man in C-you shop for woman clothes for 5 month.
    -Assisst manager in Martino shop for woman Clothes For one year.
    -Sales man in freshwear for woman clothes for 8 month.
    -I worked in alsabaqon company for one year and six month in :
    1-TUTUMIMI for kid’s shoes
    2-SOTTO for men shoes
    3-MALU for woman shoes
    I am finished from these company as branch manager TUTUMIMI
    Arabic: My Mather language
    English: good (speaking, writing and conversation)
    Computer skills
    Microsoft windows XP & internet skills
    Maintenance for computer hardware and software
    ICDL, VB6.1

    saher odeh 10 Feb 2009, 12:53 - Report
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