I need to get international with job in Dubai: My dream City

  • I love to solve problem human have in daily course of life. I like to give them brand they need.

    I am an MBA in Marketing from Number one University of Nepal: Kathmandu University. I have my degree in branding, marketing communication and marketing research. I am confident enough and like to work on Dairy, Tea, Coffee and Fruit Juice industry.

    I need a job that suits me that I love to work and is my life.
    I can speak, write, read, listen English very well. I speak Hindi well but hardly write.

    Please do write me for my C.V.

    Sachin Udas
    Mid-Baneshwor, Kathmandu,Nepal
    email:[email removed]

    Sachin Udas 10 Feb 2009, 06:01 - Report
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i need job

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