Karina Guerrero is seeking for Legal job

  • Karina Guerrero
    Attorney at Law

    [email removed]
    C: 58 424 829 0513
    H: 58 281 267 8533
    Ave. Prolongación Paseo Colón, Casas Bote "A" 145
    Puerto La Cruz, Anzoátegui


    Karina Guerrero´s interest in Corporate Law was sparked when she was a teenager in Venezuela, working in a Trademark and Patents Law Firm and in Corporate Law events.
    This experience prompted her to enroll in the School of Law at the Santa Maria University in 1997 and Metropolitana University.
    While pursuing her education Guerrero began her Law career at Meneses & Asociados.
    Over the course she was constantly getting good feedbacks from her bosses, and without a degree on hand she was promoted as a Legal Assistant at the age of twenty, and was given cases to be solved.
    After working at Meneses & Asociados for four years, she expanded her knowledge in Law
    When joining IDS Consultores when she learned about real law "Corporate Law" by making join ventures, negotiations, and contracts with the Oil Industry, and getting into Labor Law.
    When graduated she decided to look for new horizons and moved to United States, where
    She began her Human Resources Management Experience for three years.
    In 2006 she started consulting to companies of great importance, and litigating in different
    Guerrero has a passion for the Corporate world, her approach is straightforward, and focuses on the clients needs.

    Work History

    Cooperativa En Obras, R.L./Cooperativa Petrogas Global Service Construction, R.L.
    Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
    April 2006 - Present
    Corporate Lawyer
    According to needs:
    Legal terms on Bidding Process, PDVSA´s Collective Bargain Agreement, Contracts on the Oil Industry and Construction Field, Key Bridge for external and internal negotiations, all legal documents required for the company, Labor Procedures, file government standards.

    Karina Guerrero
    Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
    April 2006 - Present
    Attorney at Law
    Trial Attorney: Litigation in Civil Court: Sues, Counterclaim.
    Trial Attorney: Litigation in Penal Court: Defense Representative.
    Trial Attorney: Litigation in Labor Court: Cases with different Construction and Oil Company Unions.
    Notary: Notary´s Certifications (Straddles, Powers of Attorney, Authentication of Signatures, Lease Agreements).
    Registry: Update Records, Commercial Registry, Certificate of Registry.
    Banks: Building loans.

    Tamarac International Corp.
    Miami, FL, United States
    December 2003 - March 2006
    Human Resource Manager
    Contracting and training Personnel, Sales area distribution, personnel wages, contract negotiations with potential clients, monthly and weekly reports upon request.

    IDS Consultores
    Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
    December 2001 - January 2003
    Marketing assistant
    Assist the Eastern Regional General Manager in commercialize the company.
    Develop bidding process according to the legal and labor regulations, and standards.
    Conduct legal contract, analysis and marketing research.
    Promote and develop contracts and/or Sales Proposals for the company dealt directly with clients under the supervision of the Eastern Regional General Manager.
    Represent the company and participate in events of the Monagas’s Oil Chamber.

    Meneses & Asociados
    Caracas, Venezuela
    October 1995 - July 1999
    Legal Assistant
    Review Legal Procedures in Court to learn about the Process. Update data and client information, Request documents or evidence required in the procedures, file documents, make and receive calls from clients.


    Universidad Metropolitana
    Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
    October 2007 - September 2008
    Master: Corporate Law
    This Master is for Lawyers that like to update, amplify and to study in depth the knowledge in Corporate Law that regulates la relationships between a company, the market and the State.
    The intention is to fortify the Lawyer´s professional capacity dedicated to companies’ services or that aspire to incorporate to that activity as Legal Managers, Personnel or External Consulting.
    A one year Master.
    Note: In approve of thesis to obtain title.

    Universidad Santa Maria
    Caracas/Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
    October 1997 - January 2003
    Juris Doctor, Law
    Career based on 5 years, ten semesters in total.
    Scale of grade: From 01 to 20
    Grade obtained: 14.55
    Position in class: 4
    Degree: Juris Doctor.


    Universidad Santa Maria
    July 2003 - Has no expiration
    This is a certificate of Juris Doctor Degree issued by Santa Maria University, registered in the Education Department, Principal Registry of Anzoategui State, and the "Apostille de la Haya" for International Purposes.

    Colegio de Abogados de Venezuela
    July 2003 - Has no expiration
    This is a Certificate for Lawyers issued by the Venezuelan´s Bar Association in order to litigate in nation wide.
    Number: 103.721.

    Colegio de Abogados del Estado Anzoátegui
    July 2003 - Has no expiration
    This is a certificate for Lawyers issued by the Anzoategui State Bar Association in order to litigate in Anzoategui
    State, Venezuela.

    English Teacher
    Berlitz Institute Venezuela
    November 2006 - Has no expiration
    Certified by The Berlitz Institute in Venezuela.


    Puerto La Cruz/Maturín/Caracas, Venezuela 2000 - 2008
    Courses: Law/Oil Industry:

    1° Congreso Internacional de Crudos pesados, 2008.
    Manejo defensivo bajo el Sistema Smith, 2006.
    Certificación de Instructora de Inglés BIT, 2006.
    Inducción en el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia Circuito Judicial Penal, 2003.
    2° Foro Nor-Oriental sobre la nueva Ley Orgánica Procesal del Trabajo, 2003.
    Foro sobre el Desarrollo y aplicación de la medicina Legal y la Criminalística en el Proceso Penal 2003.
    1° Foro Nor-oriental sobre la nueva Ley Orgánica Procesal del Trabajo, 2003.
    8° Jornada de Seguridad, Higiene y Ambiente, 2002.
    Vivir Seguro (SHA), 2002.
    Sistema de Gestión Integrado (SHA), 2002.
    Gerencia de Seguridad de Procesos Iniciativa Privada (SHA), 2002.
    Unidades Auto tanques de Transferencia (SHA), 2002.
    Transporte Terrestre de Líquidos Inflamables en Vacum´s (SHA), 2002.
    Aplicación de Herramientas de Producción Limpia (SHA), 2002.
    Oratoria Método Menluz, 2002.
    Redacción Profesional Método Menluz, 2002.
    Lectura Veloz Método Menluz, 2002.
    Memoria, Método de Estudio y Concentración Método Menluz, 2002.
    Reforma del Código Orgánico Procesal Penal, 2001.
    Taller de Práctica Forense sobre Proceso Civil, 2001.
    VII Jornadas de Seguridad, Higiene y Ambiente encuentro Internacional Oriente, 2001.
    VI Jornadas de Seguridad, Higiene y Ambiente Oriente 2000.


    10+ Years Experience.
    Computer and Internet Management skills.
    Software: WordPerfect, Word, Excel, PowerPoint.

    Bilingual: Native Spanish.
    Fluently speak, write, and read.
    Professional writing and redaction in Spanish.
    Oratory and/or Speech Method.


    To be professionally trained in the Law field, with wide International Knowledge.
    Juris Doctor/Master degree in other countries, and/or learn other legislations.
    To be an asset to a company, and part of the financial growth.
    Develop a keen position in new savvy law forum in the international world.
    Become part of an organization "Team player" in a healthy and profitable work environment.


    Teaching (English, Spanish, and Law), reading, traveling, beach activities, theaters, museums, art in general, flamenco.

    Karina Guerrero 29 Apr 2009, 04:49 - Report
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