Ing. Sana SMAOUI


    Name: Sana SMAOUI
    Title: Engineer on biology
    Address: Route gremda km 0.5, immeuble asma appart 55
    B. P. 3027 Sfax, Tunisia.
    Cellular: 216 24 917 517
    E-mail: [email removed]

    Date of Birth: December 07, 1982
    Nationality: Tunisian
    Sex: Female
    Marital status: single

    Good ability to read, write and speak Arabic, French, English and Italian


    JUN- 2006 Engineering Diploma of Biological Studies “National School Engineering of Sfax (ENIS) “
    JUN-2003-2006 Preparation of engineer diploma (speciality agro food)
    JUN-2003 Competitive examination of preparatory institute of engineer of Sfax (IPEIS) (speciality biology/geology)
    JUN-2001 Baccalaureate mathematic Lycée Hbib Maazoun


    2008 Manager of a spin-off in CBS incubator, Sfax Tunisia
    NOV 2006- DEC 2007 Traffic warden engineer in laboratory of Bioprocesses in Centre of Biotechnology of Sfax (CBS), Tunisia
    SEP 2006 Formation on Company creation and training of contractors(C.E.F.E.), Sfax Tunisia
    FEV-JUN 2006 Fine project study in laboratory of Biochemistry and Enzymatic
    Engineering of lipase LBGEL-ENIS (subject: research of lipases inhibitory from plants and alga)
    JUN 200 Training in General Industry of food products (GIPA), Sfax Tunisia
    AUG 2004 Training in unit of bacteriology, Hospital Hbib Bourguiba, Sfax Tunisia

    Faouzi Ben Rebah., Sana Smaoui., Fakher Frikha., Youssef Gargouri and Nabil Miled (2008). Inhibitory Effects of Tunisian Marine Algal Extracts on Digestive Lipases. Applied Biochemistry and biotechnology.


    Pr Hammadi AYADI, Pr Sami SAYADI, Sana SMAOUI, Incubating innovations (start-ups, spin-offs): from opportunities to innovative companies. International symposium on biotechnology ISB, 4-8 May 2008, Sfax, Tunisia

    sana smaoui 08 Sep 2008, 02:02 - Report
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