
  • Dear Friend,

    This email might come to you as a surprise and the temptation to ignore it as not serious could come into your mind but please consider it and accept it with a deep sense of humility. Before proceeding, I wish to introduce myself to you; I am Eric Allman a staff of First Inland Bank here in Nigeria. I am the head of the accounts department and an account officer to numerous customers of our bank. I am pleased to get across to you for a very urgent and profitable business proposal which I believe will profit both of us on completion. I contacted you after a careful thought that you might be capable of handling this business transaction,which I explained below.

    The sum of ($10,000, 000.00 Million dollars), has been floating as unclaimed since 2002 in my bank as all efforts to get across the relatives of our client who deposited the money have hit the stones. There is this immigrant late Mr. Ruben zakaria who was based here, who happens to be one of our very good clients, but unfortunately He died of Cardiac Arrest in the year 2002.

    All attempts to trace his next of kin were fruitless. My position here at my office and as his account officer, requires me to investigate and I therefore made further investigations and discovered that the deceased did not declare any next of kin or relation in all his official documents, including his bank deposit paperwork in my bank. According to our Government Law, the money will revert to the ownership of the government if nobody applies to claim the fund for a period of 8 years.

    Now there are two things I could do with respect to the dead man's money. First, as his account officer, I could formally notify the bank authorities that the man is dead and has no next of kin. In this case the money would be forfeited to the government after some time. 0n the other hand, I can arrange for someone, a foreigner, to act as the next of kin of the deceased so that he/she can claim the money. This is the option l have decided to take to help myself and whomever that God brings my way. I took this option after my findings that this fund could actually change the lives of our both families.All you would have to do is to act as the next of kin of the dead man and the whole money in the account will be transferred to your nominated bank account. As the account officer to the deceased, I have all the necessary information that you require to claim the money in the account and even a death certificate to proof to the bank that this man is dead.

    If you are interested in working with me, please get back to me as quickly as possible so that I can give you further details of what we are to do.

    (contact me on [email removed])

    Thanks in anticipation for your co-operation


    Mr.Eric Allman

    eric allman 16 Jan 2009, 12:49 - Report
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