Starting a business in Cyprus

  • Would like to get in contact with a Lawyer to register our company + do all the paperwork at a reasonable cost as we are on a tight budget. We live in Cyprus - Larnaca are.

    09 May 2008, 08:18 Lorraine
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  • registering company

    i use Paul

    Stewart 31 Jul 2008, 02:26 - Report
  • register your company

    email:[email removed]

    froso 05 Aug 2008, 11:34 - Report
  • looking for local sponsorship in cyprus

    Hi,Am an Indian having over 30 years old Chemical Engineering educated , Experince in Pharma,Beverages,Forging,Edible Oil refining Extraction,refining,Fabrication field,Project,Valves Manufacturing& Marketing,Robotic Machining plant experineces &worked for GTL Qater Gas Projects(HyundaiHeavy Industries Ltd Project controller Qater Shell Project) having NOC seek finacialy sound partner or Company having already business in Midle East, Also worked as General Manager.Deputy General Manager(Operations) Executive Director in Indian Companies seek immediate opening as senior partner or empolyee.Good for arranging Oil and gas agencie arround the world for the Oil and Gas in middle east/Cyprus companies custodians. contact on my Moble No 0091 9892411864,Suresh,Bombay India
    [email removed]

    suresh Kumars.kumar
    22 August 2008, 06:37:23 pm

    s.Kumar 22 Aug 2008, 07:42 - Report
  • regstration off/shor company

    i'll be like to poen off/shor company in cyprus.i wan't to know what i need to do.i from serbia.what i do for visa for me and my family

    bojan 11 Apr 2009, 08:08 - Report
  • hi

    my name is salam countryle i am live in eu cyprus i have a reday made garment ltd compani in banglades i loking for a buyer in eu any country
    conatc [email removed]

    sm 20 Apr 2009, 04:36 - Report
  • women wrestling tournament in cyprus

    hi ,
    my name is theo papavassiliou from Cyprus and i would like to inform you that on the middle of June 2009 i will organise a women wrestling tournament in Cyprus.
    I saw your profile on internet and i would like to be informed if you are interested to participate on the tournament.
    Please let me know till 30/04/2009 and also your portofolio amount.
    The tournament will be 7 days.
    My telephone number is 00357-96-436700.
    theo papavassiliou

    theo papavassiliou 25 Apr 2009, 06:30 - Report
  • women wrestling tournament in cyprus

    Cyprus Wrestling Entertainment

    25 /04/2009

    Women wrestling Tournament

    Dear Sir/Madam

    We would like to inform you that on 20/06/2009 until 27/06/2009 a women wrestling tournament will take place in Limassol, Cyprus.

    Thirty Women athletes from Europe and USA will participate at the tournament's.

    At the tournament we will have wrestling, mud , oil and arm wrestling .

    The tournaments will be advisted on internet,newspapers,media etc.

    If you are interested to participate as a sponsor at the events please contact us at:
    [email removed]
    Tel: +357 96436700

    Kind Regards

    Theo Papavassiliou

    theo papavassiliou 25 Apr 2009, 06:32 - Report
  • We offer full help win incorporation of Cyprus companies + bank accounts

    We offer Cyprus company incorporation, bank account formation and offshore holding company formation.

    We offer bank account opening, both in Europe and in offhsore jurisdictions.

    Our offices around Europe are always ready to assist you.

    Please contact us for further information about our full range of service . 19 Jun 2009, 02:22 - Report
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