Womens Attire
Help!! Myself & my partner are moving to Bahrain next month. I was just wondering, when I arrive at their airport, will I get in trouble for not wearing an abaya?? If so, where do I get one? I'm in the UK.
Also, is there anyone there that has sucessfully exported their dog there?? I know I can, I just wondered if anyone else had any trouble doing it.22 May 2007, 12:34 Fiona
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You betchya, if not the civil guard will probably arrest you and either a fine or several lashes
However if you cross my palm with gold (or come naked on a Tuesday) I'm sure we can make an accomodation. Just knock three times and ask for Abdullah.
On a more serious note...you dont need one, this only happens in Saudi.A thigh high kini would not however be a good idea.Happy flying !george 22 Jun 2007, 07:00 - Report
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